First of all - any hungry diets. Simply a feed should be put in order, that your organism has not remained without necessary nutrients, and at the same time to clean all superfluous. How it to achieve?
Here some advice:
1. Never leave the house having no breakfast. Accustom itself to it.
2. A banal rule - do not overeat for the night. If come from work late, wish to eat, a glass of kefir and an apple - here that is necessary for you, and go to bed.
3. Do not suppose greater breaks between receptions of food, we mean 6 - 8 hours. Eat even 3 times a day, it is better four, and the basic part of a feed should fall to first two receptions of food.
4. Do not suppose decrease in quantity of fats in a diet up to a zero level is a full nonsense. Not using in food fats, you risk to break a metabolism, to damage to the hair and a leather, to worsen sight and state of health. Such products as vegetable oil, the small amount of cheese and eggs should be present at your diet.
5. Sugar, flour products should leave your table, but it at all does not mean, that one ice-cream will give up as a bad job your figure.
6. Gradually supersede from your diet food "dust": sauces, ketchups, various snack of type of chips, etc.
7. More cautiously with alcohol. He irritates mucous a stomach, as a result you overeat. Besides alcohol (especially vodka) in a plenty is poison gas that leads to weight of undesirable consequences.
These rules can seem suitable only for those who wishes to dump weight. Actually they are universal. In fact because of non-observance of these simple rules in a feed thin cannot recover, though considers, that eats much, and people with excess weight cannot dump it. {In weight}
Here some advice:
1. Never leave the house having no breakfast. Accustom itself to it.
2. A banal rule - do not overeat for the night. If come from work late, wish to eat, a glass of kefir and an apple - here that is necessary for you, and go to bed.
3. Do not suppose greater breaks between receptions of food, we mean 6 - 8 hours. Eat even 3 times a day, it is better four, and the basic part of a feed should fall to first two receptions of food.
4. Do not suppose decrease in quantity of fats in a diet up to a zero level is a full nonsense. Not using in food fats, you risk to break a metabolism, to damage to the hair and a leather, to worsen sight and state of health. Such products as vegetable oil, the small amount of cheese and eggs should be present at your diet.
5. Sugar, flour products should leave your table, but it at all does not mean, that one ice-cream will give up as a bad job your figure.
6. Gradually supersede from your diet food "dust": sauces, ketchups, various snack of type of chips, etc.
7. More cautiously with alcohol. He irritates mucous a stomach, as a result you overeat. Besides alcohol (especially vodka) in a plenty is poison gas that leads to weight of undesirable consequences.
These rules can seem suitable only for those who wishes to dump weight. Actually they are universal. In fact because of non-observance of these simple rules in a feed thin cannot recover, though considers, that eats much, and people with excess weight cannot dump it. {In weight}