«I prayed, when disclosed result. I knew that I deserve on a victory. It already mine 10 performance on"Olympia", but I did not think that I can win. I am till now in a shock. To me till now not to be believed. I dreamt of this moment since then when I the first time has come to a hall. But fairly to tell, I never thought that the such can happen» - the champion has commented. 39 summer Dexter was in the excellent form. It by right the deserved victory has shown that the champion can become not only huge guys. Jay Katler was not in the best form.
Judges have seen at once not an accurate relief on a back which actually and became the defeat reason. Only 7 points were lost by Jay to Dekster.
« Certainly, I feel small affliction, but I am sincerely glad for Dekster therefore as I know that means to win. I knew that he never believed that can win. And has won! It is a life, we win something, something we lose. But he it has deserved. It was in the best form. Now "Olympia" to become all it is more interesting. Earlier sportsmen kept decades a title, and was clear, who will be the first. Now all not so. The only thing that is a pity, oh, damn, that have bypassed me so quickly!» - Jay has told. Phill the hit, has shown brilliant result. He has established some kind of a new record. Still to whom it was not possible to become the third in 27 years.
Competition «Mr. Olympia» 2008 has shown that athletes are in the excellent form and from their victory separate some balls. Whether there has passed an era of long gains of "Olympia" as it was with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Whether Hejni, Dorianom Jatsom and Ronni Kolmenom to confirm hard. However, with confidence it is possible to tell that the aesthetics and harmony has returned to bodybuilding.
Distribution of places of tournament «Mr. Olympia» 2008: 1. Dexter Jackson; 2. Jay Cutler; 3. Phil Heath; 4. Dennis Wolf; 5. Toney Freeman; 6. Melvin Anthony; 7. Silvio Samuel; 8. Dennis James; 9. Mo Elmoussawi; 10. Gustavo Badell; 11. Darrem Charles; 12. Johnnie Jackson; 13. Craig Richardson; 14. Ronny Rockel; 15. David Henry; 16. Kevin English; 17. Fouad Abiad; 17 Sergey Shelestov; 17 Leo Ingram.
« Certainly, I feel small affliction, but I am sincerely glad for Dekster therefore as I know that means to win. I knew that he never believed that can win. And has won! It is a life, we win something, something we lose. But he it has deserved. It was in the best form. Now "Olympia" to become all it is more interesting. Earlier sportsmen kept decades a title, and was clear, who will be the first. Now all not so. The only thing that is a pity, oh, damn, that have bypassed me so quickly!» - Jay has told. Phill the hit, has shown brilliant result. He has established some kind of a new record. Still to whom it was not possible to become the third in 27 years.
Competition «Mr. Olympia» 2008 has shown that athletes are in the excellent form and from their victory separate some balls. Whether there has passed an era of long gains of "Olympia" as it was with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Whether Hejni, Dorianom Jatsom and Ronni Kolmenom to confirm hard. However, with confidence it is possible to tell that the aesthetics and harmony has returned to bodybuilding.
Distribution of places of tournament «Mr. Olympia» 2008: 1. Dexter Jackson; 2. Jay Cutler; 3. Phil Heath; 4. Dennis Wolf; 5. Toney Freeman; 6. Melvin Anthony; 7. Silvio Samuel; 8. Dennis James; 9. Mo Elmoussawi; 10. Gustavo Badell; 11. Darrem Charles; 12. Johnnie Jackson; 13. Craig Richardson; 14. Ronny Rockel; 15. David Henry; 16. Kevin English; 17. Fouad Abiad; 17 Sergey Shelestov; 17 Leo Ingram.