Anybody never doubted that eggs the richest source of nutrients. More than it is enough this fact to rank eggs in group of a necessary foodstuff for bodybuilders. It is impossible to disagree that thanks to a variety of amino acids in eggs, they are the best natural source of fiber. The protein containing in eggs, practically on 100 % is acquired by an organism. For the hungry bodybuilder to whom the considerable volume of proteins is required, eggs represent one more benefit – they not so expensive, in comparison with other basic sources of fiber, such as meat and fish.
Not so long ago eggs were registered on the first positions in lists of the products forbidden to the use to a food because of the considerable maintenance of cholesterol. The American Association of Heart (АНА) even has entered restriction on consumption of a yolk within a week: no more than four. Now these restrictions do not operate, as АНА has reconsidered the recommendations in 2003 after the spent researches of heart diseases. Now representatives of association call not for restrictions of consumption of eggs, and to restrictions of daily consumption of cholesterol. So if at you normal level of cholesterol, you easy can eat eggs regularly. But it is not necessary to forget that you can have problems with cholesterol if you simultaneously consume yolks, a trance the fats, the sated fats and other products, with the cholesterol maintenance. Such diet not for the bodybuilder. However if in your diet the considerable quantity of vegetables, fruit, cereals and low-fat meat eggs cannot do much harm by no means to you is provided.
If you wish to take a maximum of a protein from eggs and to limit volume of fats, calories and cholesterol, you can, as a variant, to separate fiber from a yolk and to prepare from it albuminous fried eggs or an omelette. The big fresh egg contains 75 calories, 5 gr fat and 6 gr the squirrel. In fiber separately contains only 17 calories, and fat is not present in general. At the same time 4 from 5 gr protein is in fiber. At the same time yolks also can be included in your diet because they contain a large quantity of other important nutrients, including iron, lecithin, holin, lutein, selenium, vitamins В-2, And, D and В-12.